Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 01 (1983)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx
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5 p$(x,y)=" " 3 x=xx+(b$(1 3 )="w")-(b$(1 2 z$=p$(x,y,2 2 chessfire 2 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 2 ]B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983:H\ 2 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@ 2 ;"STOP THE TAPE": 2 ;"RUN THE TAPE": 2 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 2 ;" ": 2 16/48Noise 2 );"m";" "; 2 "16/48next" 2 "16/48TYPE" 2 "16/48LOAD2" 2 "16/48D&G" 1 z$="llccnnnnBYE": 1 z$="ll130201AND ": 1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN": 1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS": 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="07040202HOBBIT HINTS": 1 z$="02000202CHARACTER SET...": 1 z$="00140201OF": 1 z$="00020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="00010305NEXT MONTH": 1 tw=tw+(t$="2")*time 1 tb=tb+(t$="1")*time 1 store frame 1 pieces 1 p$="1122334455667722744": 1 p$(xx,yy)=" " 1 p$(xx,y)=" " 1 p$(x,y)=c$+"N1" 1 p$(x,y)=b$: 1 p$(x,y)=b$ 1 p$(n,m)=" " 1 noisefx 1 c$="WHITE": 1 c$="BLACK" 1 bits k 1 birds 1 b$=p$(x,y) 1 at=at+(f/3 1 addresses for RANDOMIZE USR noises; 23770, 23773, 23776 23779, 23782, 23785, 23788, 23791, 23794, 23797, Please note this routine will not work if a microdrive is used 1 a$=" Press any key to continue " 1 a$(n)=a$(n,2 1 Z$="00000202If you like this": 1 T THE MISTY MOUNTAINS,"; 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 SOUNDFX 1 Roger Swift 1983 1 PIC4 1 MERGE the next program with one of your own." 1 If you enjoyed 16/48. Why not take out a subscription at our special rates?(See inlay card) " 1 @@PP@@@@@@ 1 @@@P@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@PPP@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@P@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@ 1 ;c$;" WINS"; 1 ;"x is the frame to be displayed. c is the column number for the left hand edge of the frame. b is the block number(0 for top, 1 for middle and 2 for bottom of the screen).": 1 ;"then now is the time to"; 1 ;"leave tape running" 1 ;"You can then break out of this program and load your SCREEN$. Then LET x=1:GOSUB 9000 will store the top left corner of your picture (16x8 characters) as frame 1.": 1 ;"When you have created your masterpiece send it to us on cassette(see line 9990) and you could win a digital tracer or a light pen." 1 ;"WHITE TO MOVE" 1 ;"WEAR GLOVES.": 1 ;"To use it, CLEAR ";31720 1 ;"This program contains a machine code routine(called ""PIC4"") which will store 4 frames in RAMjust below the user defined graphics.": 1 ;"This month we feature help for those of you stuck in ARTIC's ADVENTURE ""A""."; 1 ;"Then GOSUB 9100 will display theframe at the desired position. If you run out of memory you canerase almost all of this programexcept lines 2 and 9000 to 9150.": 1 ;"The command for this sound is;" 1 ;"The Next issue of 16/48 will be available from 24th November from branches of W.H.Smith John Menzies and leading newsagents."''" But for now...": 1 ;"THE SPACE SHIP."; 1 ;"THE PRISON CELL"; 1 ;"THE LIFT."; 1 ;"THE LIFT CONTROL ROOM."; 1 ;"THE GREEN MAN"; 1 ;"THE FORCE FIELD."; 1 ;"Stuck in a dungeon?"; 1 ;"Some people seem to be having trouble finding Gollum. Well, you should find him eventually in the Goblins' tunnels. Do keep your encounter as brief as possible and remember the ring."; 1 ;"See you next month. Press E to EXIT.Any other key will run thislast program again." 1 ;"SIDE 2 LOADING" 1 ;"SAVE ""16/48TYPE"" 1 ;"Rewind and play for automatic verification.": 1 ;"Repeat with x=2,3 and 4 and you will be ready to animate. To display your frames you must assign values to x,c and b.": 1 ;"RUN THE TAPE"; 1 ;"RANDOMIZE USR ";23770 1 ;"Press any key other than ""A"" to read this again.": 1 ;"Press R to read again."; 1 ;"Press L to load CHESSFIRE." 1 ;"PUSH AUX, in lift PUSH 4.": 1 ;"PUSH 3, PUSH 2, PUSH 1."; 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY (A to abort)" 1 ;"POKE 23606,0: 1 ;"PLANET OF DEATH."; 1 ;"MACHINE CODE SOUND EFFECTS"'"HOW TO USE THEM" 1 ;"Leave tape running" 1 ;"If you have discovered any solutions, interesting short cuts or bugs in any adventure game then drop us a line at 16/48."''" We will send you `5 if we publish your contribution."''" Send us your problems and we will do our best to save you from death and destruction." 1 ;"IN THE WIND TUNNEL"; 1 ;"IN THE MAZE."; 1 ;"IN THE ICE CAVERN"; 1 ;"GO N, S, E, W.": 1 ;"GO N, NE, W, SE, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN "; 1 ;"GET STARTER MOTOR.": 1 ;"GET MAN, DROP MAN, KILL MAN, GET MIRROR.": 1 ;"GET ICE, GO DOWN.": 1 ;"FIRE LASER, FIRE LASER, DANCE."''" Or try"''" REFLECT FORCE FIELD WITH MIRROR, DANCE.": 1 ;"Do you want to save the character set now? Press Y or N. " 1 ;"Do you want to run this program again (y/n) ?" 1 ;"Coming up next month......" 1 ;"Closing date is 31st November 1983. Winning entries will be published in the February 1984 issue.": 1 ;"CROSS THE RAVINE USING THE FLOOR BOARD.": 1 ;"CHESSFIRE" 1 ;"CHESSFIRE only just fits into 16K of memory with a single page of instructions.";'';" To move a piece you should first select that piece by moving the flashing cursor to that square and pressing 1 ;"CHESSFIRE INSTRUCTIONS" 1 ;"BREAK BARS, DIG HOLE, GO UP.": 1 ;"BLACK TO MOVE" 1 ;"Almost finished. Press any key for for our final item.": 1 ;"All you have to do to win this month's competition is create 4 pictures and produce the most exciting animation ever seen in a computer magazine.": 1 ;"16/48 COMPETITION"; 1 ;"16/48 COMPETITION" 1 ;"(An awful clue!)": 1 ;" This month's HIDDEN HOBBIT HINT is to do with the Misty Mountains. Do you want the solution? Press Y or N." 1 ;" Then read on."; 1 ;" Take care to stop the tape as soon as you see a listing. ": 1 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 1 ;" MACHINE CODE SOUND EFFECTS " 1 ;" IN THE MISTY VALLEY,"; 1 ;" GO E, GET GOLDEN KEY(What does it open?), UP, UP, SE, S, E.": 1 ;" For some unfathomable reason you can't PICK UP that treasure lying at your feet?"; 1 ;" Every month we help you solve several frustrating adventure game problems. Just pick from the menu the place where you start to doubt your sanity and the answer will be revealed.": 1 ;" Don't press the key unless you really want to know."; 1 ;" 16/48 NOVEMBER 1983 Tape 1 " 1 ;" 16/48 NOVEMBER 1983 TAPE 1 " 1 ;" PLANET OF DEATH.": 1 ;" How do you do it?": 1 ;" " 1 ;" " 1 ;" "; 1 ;" ": 1 24179,768 "; 1 16/48next 1 16/48LOAD2 1 16/48D&G E 1 16/48COMP 1 0 Created by Muf for 1 . If the move is illegal the computer will not respond.";';" CHESSFIRE loads in 3 sections so please wait until prompted before stopping the tape." 1 . Then move the cursor to the new position and press 1 ,y)="w"+z$ 1 ,y)="b"+z$ 1 ,m)="bP"+p$(2 1 ,c;" "; 1 +(t$="2")) 1 *(c$="w"): 1 *(c$="w")-2 1 )="VAMPIRE........Can you get him before nightfall? Can you keep him out till sunrise?????................" 1 )="TABLES........&...AMPLIFY. Educational programs for the young and the not so young.............." 1 )="REVIEWS........We give you the graphical low down on some 3D Spectrum products................" 1 )="PLUS.........Your Programs....More machine code....more value.....more useful....more fun........." 1 )="BIGPRINT.......a fast machine code routine to give you any size of printing you want............" 1 )=" ancient artillery contest for two players. Boadicea could have used it.................." 1 )*(r$="8")-(x>1 1 )*(r$="7") 1 )*(r$="6")-(y>1 1 )*(r$="5") 1 ((t$="1")*2 1 'RANDOMIZE USR (address)' 1 "chessfire": 1 "chessfire" 1 "Use keys 5 to 8 to move cursor." 1 "Use F instead of M to fire without moving. Most pieces needto be hit more than once.(Pawns need 1-2 hits,Queens 1-4,Kings 1 and the rest 1-3. Lives are random but fairly distributed.)" 1 "To store a frame in RAM you needto save your picture as a SCREEN$. Then load this program.": 1 "To move a pawn ""en passant"" you should press E instead of M." 1 "To castle move the rook with C instead of M." 1 "To animate high resolution graphics on a 16K SPECTRUM we have had to restrict the size of each frame and the number of frames stored.": 1 "So get down to graphics NOW!" 1 "Script saved and verified." 1 "Return to this script with"; 1 "R2","K2","B2","Q3","N1","B2","K2","R2" 1 "R","K","B","Q","N","B","K","R" 1 "Press any key from 1 to 0"'"When you get bored press ENTER." 1 "PRESS ANY KEY TO START THE CLOCK" 1 "POKE 23606,233:POKE 23607,";122 1 "P selects piece to move." 1 "M moves the piece. Only legal chess moves are allowed." 1 "LOAD ""16/48TYPE"" 1 "INSTRUCTIONS" 1 "ENTER NEW PIECE (Q,B,R or K)."; 1 "5) The next section will show you how this works." 1 "4) To use a noise you only need type 1 "3) Line 1 of the next program isalso a REM statement.It containsthe list of addresses that you will need to run the noises." 1 "2) The machine code is in a REM statement in line 0.If you type LIST the computer will give you an error report.To list the program type 1 "16/48COMP": 1 "16/48COMP" 1 "1) LOAD the next program(called 'SOUNDFX'), 1 picks piece 1 RAVINE 1 LIFT CONTROL ROOM"; 1 ICE CAVERN 1 GREEN MAN 1 FORCE FIELD 1 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983 1 1983 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES LTD.! 1 WIND TUNNEL"; 1 SPACE SHIP 1 PRISON CELL"; 1 Erase this line and save this program on tape so that you can then merge it with any of your own. Type LOAD"" ENTER and run the tape to see the competition andget some idea of what next month's 16/48 will be offering.